Bhajans for Sathya Sai Baba

Shiva, we bow to You in reverence, let Your will be done.
Great destroyer of the worlds, also destroy our bad traits.
Sai, You are the great God Shiva.
Now we hear the sound of the drums and foot bells that are sounded for Shiva's cosmic dance.

Shiva, wir verbeugen uns in Ehrfurcht vor Dir, Lass Deinen Willen geschehen.
Grosser Weltenzerstörer, zerstöre auch unsere schlechten Charakterzüge.
Sai, Du bist der grosse Gott Shiva.
Jetzt hören wir den Klang der Trommeln und Fussschellen, die zu Shivas kosmischem Tanz erschallen.

  • audio source: Mandir Bhajans, internet, download
  • drone (root, keynote) of audio: E
  • drone of music notation on website is always: C
  • recommended drone for group singing: G Ab A Bb B C